
2013年8月16日 星期五

【英國名校推薦】University of Kent 肯特大學



排名: UK 33
成立年份: 1965
男女比例: 48% male, 52% female
地址:41 Saint Thomas Hill, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 8HW,UK

肯特大學(University of Kent)成立於1965年,坐落在英格蘭東南部肯特郡坎特伯雷市(Canterbury),是英國著名的研究型大學之一。肯特大學以優異的教學質量和卓越的科研實力在英國教育界享有很高的聲譽,常年穩居各排行榜的前列,多門學科的研究水平處於世界領先。其精算專業在全英首屈一指,是少數幾個獲得英國精算師協會承認學分的專業。
英國肯特大學有著“英國的歐洲大學”(The UK's European University)的美名。肯特大學在許多方面均與歐洲密切接軌,除了在英國坎特伯雷(Canterbury)、梅德韋(Medway)、湯布里奇(Tonbridge)等地有校區外,在被稱作“歐洲首都”的比利時布魯塞爾也有校區。另外,法國巴黎校區也在2009年開始招生。大學致力於幫助學生多方面發展,培育學生的國際觀,讓肯特大學的畢業生能更快速的與世界接軌。

根據RAE 2008的評鑑,肯特大學的戲劇學、英語、歷史學、法學、社會政策與社會學皆獲得最高級評分。歷史學、冶金與材料學、社會政策與社會學、法學、法語、統計與運籌學等名列全英前十。戲劇與電影學、人類學、經濟學、英語、精神醫學,神經科學和臨床心理學等名列全英前二十。應用數學、考古學、宗教學、環境科學、西班牙語、電子、德語、商務與管理學、計算機、哲學等名列全英前三十。

大學部:開學時間 每年9月;TOEFL 90GPA 75.0
研究所:開學時間 每年9月;TOEFL 100GPA 75.0

With over 120,000 alumni, the University of Kent is represented by our former students all over the world. At present, we have formal alumni associations in North America and in Hong Kong, plus a recently established alumni committee in Malaysia. We also have a Former Staff Association, helping to maintain links with the University and its former members of staff, plus a number of 'class groups' such as our First 500 (Kent's first cohort of undergraduates in 1965) and other year groups from Kent's first years who meet regularly and stay in close touch with the University.
Kent alumni can also make a huge impact on today’s students by providing careers advice to those taking their first steps in their chosen career. The Alumni Careers Network is a way of helping current students (and recent graduates) to gain an insight into careers through contact with alumni via informal interviews, advice by phone/letter/email and work shadowing.


